Driver Windows Mole 2003 Huawei Ets

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driver windows mole 2003 huawei ets

Huawei ETS 6630 Driver for Windows 7

Short story: I m looking for a driver for 32-bit windows 7 for a Hauwei ETS6630 phone/modem.

It connects via USB with a PC, but the drivers on the device does not seem to function in Win7.

Any help.


My fiancee s mother got herself a basic computer from some retail store, and applied for a broadband connection from Telkom.

I was expecting her to get ADSL, as this is what her sister has who gave her the advice, but she ended up with some Telkom 3G crapola

Anyhow - long story short - The Device she was supplied with, a Hauwei ETS 6630 doesn t seem to work.

16 Minutes on hold and 14 minutes of pretty pointless troubleshooting with the Telkom 3G helpline lead me to understand that this device does NOT work with Windows 7.

They then gave me a phone number for Maredi, whom I understand supplies these ETS6630s.

They basically expect their customers to go to them to get devices that they supplied to work.

Try the generic Huawei drivers from

We choose the thieves and the liars who will govern

My fiancee went over there to try the drivers from Maredi s site, but that refused to detect the device.

They called Telkom support again, and were led through some process that included removing the battery and sim from the device, but finally got it working.

What exactly they did, I don t know

Hi I have gone to great lengths to find a solution to my problem involving the ETS 6630 and am really pissed at the lack of detail, support or info available anywhere on the www of this device and the Telkom service. I am currently connected to a pretty decent internet service from Telkom 3g via this device on Vista but on an Intel Imac. With boot camp I have a 50/50 partition for Vista and Snow Leopard Mac OSX, 99 of my work is on the Mac os but try as I may I can not get the Huawei to connect, or I get it connected but can t connect to the internet on Mac. As I said I connect just fine on Vista but this doesn t help me at all. I can not find any support or help to do this and have exhuastively researched how to do this with no solution. Can anyone help.

OK, Telkom support have just confirmed, Huawei ets6630 does not support Mac at all. . . Apparently though the problem is with the actual device and not Telkom, so one can theoretically use the sim card in any 3G dongle or phone which in most cases connect easily to Mac OS. aaargh. Talk about dissapointment. I will post the results of the suggested solution as soon as I try it.

Got the Huawei ets6630 to work on Windows 7. Just take out the Sim Card and then install the software. After reboot, insert SIM Card again and whaalaa.


Can anyone else confirm this fix.

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Thread: Huawei ETS 6630 Driver for Windows 7